Transiting Planets Have a Constant Affect on Us

In our natal chart, the planets' positions are like a snapshot frozen at the moment of our birth. However, these planets are always in motion, transiting our natal charts and forming new relationships with each other and with their original positions in our charts. Saturn takes approximately 28-29 years to complete a full cycle around the zodiac and this is important to understand because, around the age of 28-29, we go through what's known as our "Saturn return." Saturn is often referred to as the "lord of karma" and represents concepts like structure, boundaries, responsibility, and an area of life we're meant to master, especially if we struggled with it in our past lives. To understand what themes you were likely experiencing, we need to find where Saturn is positioned in your chart.

For instance, my natal Saturn in the 7th house relates to relationships, whether romantic, friendships, or business partners. Around age 28, Saturn returned to my 7th house, intensifying relationship themes. At that time, I decided to leave my unhealthy, long-standing marriage. The energy was supportive for this significant change, even though I wasn't aware it was my Saturn return. It wasn't just Saturn's influence; multiple factors were at play. It's essential to understand that planets don't control us; they provide energy to support the life lessons we're here to learn. If my relationship had been healthy, the energy would have played out differently, as the planets don't push us to make unnecessary changes; there's always a reason, usually tied to making choices that truly benefit us.

A Forecasting Report examines your natal chart and the current planetary transits to uncover life lessons and growth opportunities. We identify favorable periods for career and relationships, as well as potential challenges. As Astrologers, we study energy, we don’t predict the future. Through this report, we discuss your past and present experiences to help you plan for potential outcomes and be prepared for what lies ahead.


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