Frequently Asked Questions

  • Our unconscious mind, which drives 90% of our decision-making, operates beyond our conscious awareness. It organizes and stores our memories and is responsible for keeping us safe during conflict. It relies on symbolic and primitive thinking, absorbing beliefs and values from our experiences, including inherited and past-life influences, while suppressing memories linked to unresolved emotions. This part of our psyche favors repetition to conserve energy, resulting in recurrent situations and responses. It's responsible for our instinctive reactions in threatening or triggering scenarios, forming patterns and habits that can be challenging to change.

  • A trigger is when someone or something causes us to have a negative emotional reaction. When you’re triggered, it means a repressed emotion or limiting belief is being brought to your attention, giving you the opportunity to heal the trigger for good.

    Repressed emotions are emotions like anger, fear, grief, guilt, and hurt that have been suppressed and stored in the unconscious mind.

    Limiting beliefs are thought patterns that restrict our progress and potential. They’re unhelpful statements like, "I can't achieve my goals," "I'm not worthy of success," or "It’s not safe to express myself."

    These emotions and beliefs stem from past life, generational, and our own lived experience and can significantly impact our behavior and well-being. They often lead to us being triggered by people and situations and hinder our ability to make positive life changes. Consciously addressing these emotions and reframing beliefs can be challenging because the language of our unconscious mind, where these emotions and beliefs live, is different from the language of our conscious mind. Using techniques like Hypnotherapy, we can uncover their root and transform them into opportunities for personal growth and positive change.

  • Your natal chart serves as a snapshot of the celestial influences present at your birth and serves as a blueprint your soul chose before incarnating to shape your life's framework. Planetary positions, house placements, and aspects interweave to tell the unique story of your soul’s purpose. Living in alignment with your chart leads to a sense of ease, even amid challenging life lessons, while going against it can feel uncomfortable and take you away from your authentic self and life mission.

    Within your chart, we uncover inherent gifts and talents, as well as potential areas for growth and development. I don't adhere to conventional astrology notions of "good" or "bad" placements. Your chart is a versatile energy palette, to be used in ways that suit you. It also reveals recurring themes from past lives and generational patterns, shedding light on how they impact your current life. Often, breaking unhealthy cycles is part of our life's purpose, and your chart can show how this manifests for you personally.

    Please note, I will need your birth date, birth time, and the city and state of your birth location in order to complete your report.

  • The Sacred Rebirth Sessions are a combination of modalities that are tailored to suit your specific needs and life path. Astrology gives us the map of you, Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Hypnotherapy are the tools we use to help you create mental and emotional freedom to consciously make better choices, and intuitive guidance connects us to a higher level of awareness and understanding. By the end of your sessions, you’ll have greater mental clarity, less emotional reactivity, and be on your path embodying authenticity with intention and confidence.

    Our goal is to bring you clarity on who you are, what you’re here to learn, and to help you release repressed emotions like anger, fear, sadness, guilt, hurt and limiting beliefs rooted in past life, generational, or childhood wounds. Throughout this process, we’ll discuss how to implement skills like discernment, setting boundaries, self-love, and more.

    Upon booking, you’ll fill out a comprehensive intake form that we’ll use to gauge your progress. During your first session, we’ll review this form and we’ll walk you through what to expect. In the remaining sessions, we’ll discuss your natal chart and dive into the process for a total of 10 sessions. Sessions are conducted in 1–2-hour increments via Zoom and scheduled to allow time for you to process and integrate between appointments.

  • Sessions are conducted online via Zoom for the convenience and accessibility of our clients. To create an optimal environment for engagement, please plan to be in a quiet and undisturbed location where you can fully focus and participate.

  • We do not accept insurance. Payment is due upon booking your session. Once paid session fees are 100% non-refundable but can be applied to an appointment at a later date if you need to reschedule.

    We require at least 24 hours notice to reschedule your session. We understand that personal emergencies do happen and ask that you notify us immediately in the event you can’t attend your session and we will work with you to reschedule. Failure to notify us of your need to reschedule and/or failure to attend your session will be considered a no-show and the session, including the paid fee, will be forfeited.

    We do offer payment plans. For more information, please email us at

  • Booking a session represents signing, accepting, and agreeing to all the conditions stated within this policy and includes a release of all possible liability of Megan Parker.

    I hereby release Megan Parker (practitioner), Miguel Gomes (practitioner), and The Sacred Torch from any liability or claims that could be made against them concerning my mental and/or physical well-being during the work that has been outlined and agreed upon (now and in the future). While these sessions offer guidance on life matters and are therapeutic in nature, they should not be considered a replacement for the advice and/or services of a psychiatrist, psychologist, psychotherapist, or doctor. Except in the case of gross negligence or malpractice, I or my representative(s) agree to fully release and hold harmless Megan Parker, Miguel Gomes, and The Sacred Torch from and against any and all claims or liability of whatsoever kind or nature arising out of or in connection with my session(s).

    Participation & Confidentiality
    I understand that I am being guided by Megan Parker or Miguel Gomes through modalities that will facilitate me taking control of my own healing process and life path and that ultimately I’m responsible for my results and choices. I understand that although these modalities have a very high success rate, the practitioners at The Sacred Torch cannot and do not guarantee results since my own personal success depends on many factors that the practitioners have no control over, including my willingness and desire to affect the changes inside of myself. I understand that all interactions which take place in the setting of these sessions are considered confidential and shall not be disclosed except as required by law.