What are The Sacred Rebirth Sessions?

At The Sacred Torch, we’ve created a process of healing and self-discovery that’s as unique as you are. The Sacred Rebirth Sessions are a combination of modalities that are tailored to suit your specific needs and life path. Astrology gives us the map of you, we use Timeline Techniques to help you create mental and emotional freedom, and intuitive guidance connects us to a higher level of awareness and understanding. By the end of your sessions, you’ll have greater mental clarity, less emotional reactivity, and be on your path embodying authenticity with intention and confidence. Our goal is to help you understand who you are, what you’re here to learn, and to help you release inappropriate and unwarranted levels of anger, fear, sadness, guilt, hurt, and limiting beliefs rooted in past life, generational, or childhood wounds.

Throughout this process, we’ll discuss how to implement skills like discernment, setting boundaries, self-love, and more. When booking your first appointment, you’ll be asked to fill out a comprehensive intake form that we’ll use to gauge where you’re at now versus where you’d like to be. During your first session, we’ll review this form and I’ll walk you through what to expect from the process. In the remaining sessions, you’ll have a Karmic Astrology Reading plus 12 hours of Timeline Techniques and intuitive guidance, for a total of 14 hours. Sessions are conducted in 1–2-hour increments via Zoom and scheduled to allow time for you to process and integrate between appointments.


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