Reclaim Your Power Using Astrology

Astrology is an ancient pattern recognition system that demonstrates the “as above, so below” principle, meaning that the celestial energies above us influence us down here on the earth. Through my personal and spiritual development journey, I’ve aligned with the belief that we’re spiritual beings having a human experience and we’re here to learn through one another and our environment. I view Astrology from an evolutionary perspective, where the planets are our teachers, the signs represent the type of energy we’re learning to embody, and the houses are the area of life where we express and integrate the energy, both within ourselves and in relationship to others and the outside world. The locations of the planets in the houses and the aspects they make to one another show how these energies work together, creating additional learning opportunities that are unique to us personally.

Once I understood the way celestial energies affect us, I looked back on my life through the years and saw exactly how things had been playing out according to the information in my natal chart. Astrology is not a method of fortune telling or a box we’re stuck in, it’s a framework that we can use to contextualize our experiences, highlight our strengths and potential weaknesses, and work with the energies that are supporting us on our path. I finally understood why I kept struggling with the same types of people and negative experiences in my life. I was able to use the wisdom of Astrology to pull myself out of repeating patterns and make better choices. Getting to know my natal chart saved me the time I would have spent trying to figure out where and how I could make corrections to get a new result. 

When we allow something outside of us to direct our path, we’re giving our power away. We give it to a spouse, a job, family, or even the expectations of society. A Karmic Astrology Reading is a conversation with your soul and gives voice to the part of you that’s been waiting to be heard for a very long time. With this information, you can reclaim your power and start making the choices that, deep down, you already know you want to make. I can promise you that most of what you hear in your session will not surprise you and you’ll feel validated and seen in a way that you may have never thought possible. It will be a confirmation of your innate inner knowing that starts the process of breaking down the barriers to becoming your authentic self.

I believe in using tools that empower us to create a more meaningful life and you don’t have to prescribe to any form of spirituality to work with Astrology. In my model of the world, it makes sense that we chose our path and lessons before we were born, and we also have free will to make decisions that align with these original intentions or not.


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