Are you struggling to break free from emotions, behaviors, or habits that are holding you back?

Download your FREE meditation and workbook to begin the journey of connecting with your true voice and intuition

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  • Are you at a crossroads in life, facing major changes in your career, relationships, or other major transitions?

  • When stress hits, do you find yourself in spirals of overthinking or turning to distractions like social media scrolling, online shopping, etc?

  • Do you often feel attacked in conversations, replaying disagreements over and over, wondering what you could have said differently?

  • Are you overwhelmed by a list of “shoulds,” struggling to focus and prioritize your day?

  • Do you feel unstoppable in achieving your goals one moment, only to lose momentum and feel completely off track the next?

  • Have you done extensive personal growth work but still find yourself stuck in the same internal battles with little progress to show?

Only proceed if you can answer “YES!” to two or more of these questions:

Why does this happen?

These examples illustrate how triggers and blocks affect your daily life. The root of these triggers and blocks lies in your unconscious mind, which influences 90% of your decisions. A trigger is a situation or stimulus that causes an automatic emotional or behavioral response. A mental block is a psychological barrier that prevents clear thinking, decision-making, or action. Both are often rooted in past experiences, unresolved emotions, or learned patterns, leading to reactions that may not align with your goals or best interests. For instance, critical feedback from a boss might trigger defensiveness, while a block could manifest as the belief that you're not good enough, making it hard to accept feedback.

Imagine living a life where those triggers and blocks no longer hold power over you and instead of feeling stressed and burnt out, you’re now UNBOTHERED and UNFAZED.

The Sacred Rebirth Sessions are a transformative process that works with both your conscious and unconscious mind to change how you relate to yourself, your environment, and others. By coaching your conscious mind and rewiring your unconscious, we help dissolve the emotional charge behind triggers and remove blocks. This shift replaces automatic reactions like obsessive thinking, emotional swings, and avoidance with calm, rational responses free from past influences. You'll transition from feeling controlled by external circumstances to becoming the most empowered and unshakable version of yourself.

The Solution: The Sacred Rebirth Sessions


  • Working with Megan has been mind-blowing and life-altering. It's not often you find such a healthy balance between powerful presence and a non-judgmental safe space. Blocks I've been consciously struggling with for years on end dissolved in a single session. I am blown away by how seamless and effortless my life feels now - especially when it comes to relationships. Things that used to trigger me are GONE. The things that drove me crazy before became either effortless or unimportant. The changes sound subtle but the way it feels in my body is incredible.

    Tangie N.

  • Megan is a very professional, kind, and knowledgeable person. Her approach to her practice is very open and honest, which in turn creates a safe space for her clients. We have had about six sessions and the results speak for themselves. I have felt more relaxed, calm, and better attuned to listening to my emotions. This experience so far has begun to help change me for the better. I can't recommend her services enough!

    Grace B.

  • Megan’s insights were incredibly accurate and provided a level of precision that was unparalleled. It was clear that she has a special talent, and I am amazed by her skill. The reading was so insightful that it made me feel truly understood. The reading was not stock, it really dug in and reflected in the accuracy. She echoed other readings I’ve received but deeper, richer, and frankly, more relevant details that left me shook. I would recommend her to anyone looking for a reading and especially those looking for their purpose and path.


  • Megan helped me access the “buds” of my personal growth that were dormant within me. It took her personal ability combined with NLP and Timeline Techniques to allow me to expand and bloom. She intuitively tailored the process for my needs and supported me every step of the journey.


  • Megan has a depth of knowledge in Astrology and an ability to present that knowledge in a way that’s relatable, actionable and takes a huge topic and simplifies it right down to the most effective and beneficial steps that you can take personally. She’s really a master at her craft. I highly recommend working with her.


  • Megan did a great job of breaking down the complexities of my natal chart and helped me understand not only the significance of different planetary positions, but what they mean to each other. I was struck by how accurate her descriptions were, as well as how much individual attributes change over time and how they can show up differently in childhood. Overall the reading was detailed and easy to understand and something I can return to and consult when I'm going through a difficult time in the future. I will definitely be processing the significance of her results for a long time.

    Mariah D.

  • Megan has an incredibly unique and intuitive approach with the work that she does. This is not your typical astrological reading, but one that is filled with connectivity and offers you the ability to grow and change within yourself. If you feel lost and are needing guidance and insight into how to make positive changes in your self and life, you will not be disappointed. If you are ready for change, need help sorting out what’s next, and a deeper understanding of who you truly are then this is your person. Megan not only is incredibly skilled at her readings but she also hears and sees who you are in a way that no school or books can teach. She is a wonderful human through and through. I highly recommend Megan!

    Erica F.

  • Megan has been a true support and guide along my journey. Her amazing ability to understand you and guide you through whatever it is you're struggling with, she's got you. Her unbiased nature and ability to let you be you has been extremely helpful. Her knowledge has been incredibly powerful to hear. We all need a "Megan" in our corner helping us along through this life and I'm so grateful to have her in mine.


  • Megan is one excellent Astrologer and reader. Not only did she help me understand aspects of myself on a deeper core level, she also gave me practical and direct guidance that I can utilize in my everyday life.

    April C.

“I began working with Megan and immediately started seeing changes, just an ability to be less reactive.”

-Kelci H.

“I used to have this one part of me that was very critical and that part is gone now which is amazing because that part definitely held me back.”

-Lizz C.

“It’s a very powerful feeling to know that my external reality is no longer in control of what I want to feel or who I want to be.”

-Sage B.

“Right away at the first session it was just amazing to see how I felt before and how I felt after. I felt like I was my true self once again in just one session.”

-Mathilde F.

If you’re ready for the next level of healing on your personal growth journey, book a Discovery Call today to learn how The Sacred Rebirth Sessions will transform the way you live!

While you’re waiting for your Discovery Call to begin, I have a question for you…

If you had a magic wand and could remove one problem from your life today, what would you choose?

How quickly did you come up with an answer? What thoughts came to mind? Your thoughts are heavily influenced by generational patterns and programming that tell you what you “should” and “shouldn't” think, do, and feel. Can you distinguish your true voice from all the other thoughts swirling in your mind?

The Sacred Rebirth Sessions Meditation & Workbook helps you hear your true voice more clearly and prepares you for the process of working with your unconscious mind. You’ll learn about your unconscious mind, why it protects you by holding onto repressed emotions and limiting beliefs, and how your triggers and blocks can be cleared for good.

Download the FREE meditation and workbook that connects you to your true voice and strengthens your intuition within 7 days.

Get immediate access by signing up here:

Megan Parker


Megan is a Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) & Hypnotherapy Practitioner, Astrologer, and an intuitive guide. With a deep passion for helping others, she brings her expertise, intuitive gifts, and nurturing approach to support and empower you on a transformative journey of healing and self-discovery. Read more…


Curious how your natal chart can reveal your true purpose? Looking for guidance to illuminate your life path? Ready to experience a profound transformation?

Karmic Astrology

Discover your soul’s purpose with Astrology and gain insight on how to navigate your unique path with a Karmic Astrology Reading.

Book an Intuitive Coaching Session for personalized guidance and support as you grow in alignment with your true purpose.

Intuitive Coaching

Transform yourself with our unique blend of Hypnotherapy, NLP, Astrology, and intuitive guidance, all in one powerful process.

The Sacred Rebirth Sessions

If you had a magic wand and could eliminate one problem from your life today, what would you choose?